
Nice relaxing weekend at home!

Our Big Brown Eyed Cuties!
 Haha, I love Ellie's expression in this picture!
 Daddy being silly with Raye and Bubby.
 Brod Man and Daddy
 Momma and Bubby
 I love my lil man!
 Mr.Holland on his new bed. He keeps destroying his pillows so he got a piece of leftover carpet! He likes it too.
 Raye with her cell phone and mirror. If you ask her if she's a Diva she will say DIVA! HAHA!
 She has a scarf like Mommy's and is very proud of it! She likes to steal my phone all the time. She's normally calling PawPaw or Papaw!
 Raye had her first Little Debbie Christmas Tree cake today. They are Daddies favorite and hers now too. She ate all the sprinkles off first.

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