
Story Time

If You Give a Pig a Pancake, Ellie's new favorite book! We read it at least 5 times every night!

We Did It!

Ellie is holding Bubbies hand singing we did it! Brody is cracking up! Its so adorable!


I'd like to scream in a glass too after the day I had with her and her rotten brother!

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Our kids are crazy!

UttttttO! Ellie put stickers on the floor. Look what happens when you leave Daddy and Aunt Haadee in charge!
 Watching Dora
 Brody loves bathes in the sink.
 She is eating her lunch like a big girl at her table!
She loves for me to read her Bible and Prayer book to her. It's so sweet. She says "My Bible!"

Play Time!

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Brody's 6 Month Pictures (2 wks late)

He is so handsome!
 As John would say "Pimpin Ain't Easy!"


I <3 my Jammies Nanny and Papaw got me!

Our Saturday

Ellie loves Uncle Jackie and Aunt Haadee's new puppy!
 She loves her Play-Doh! She only tried licking it twice and she knows now that it's yucky and just to play with!
 Mr. Brody watching the butler game with Mommy! He thinks he may be a Butler star one day!
 John coloring in a Dora coloring book.......haha! Ellie loved it!
 Happy boy just bouncing around!
 Mmmmmm sweet taters and corn! He ate the entire container of the second food! Yay Brody!
 I think he liked it! :)


New Windows!

Rotten Raye

I got a coupon for a free 10 by 13 online. I scanned this picture and it didn't turn out great because it wouldn't fit on our printer. But here is what it looks like. It's so cute. I love this picture because it really shows how sassy and rotten she is! John and I definitely have all the attitude we need from our little girl.


In Trouble

this is ellie in trouble for writing on pawpaws chair with a ink pen


Raye hugging Bubby! She didn't know I was taking this picture! Awwww. He will just smile and laugh at her! He laughs at her like he does nobody else. It is very very sweet!
 Aunt Haadeeand Brody. Ellie and Brody love her so much. Ellie idolizes her so much!
 Raye coloring at her table and chairs that Granny, Papaw, Aunt Haadee and Uncle Jackie got her for her Brithday! She loves it!
 Raye swinging in her swing out on the tree. She loves her swing. Daddy put it out on the tree this year. We have to get Bubby a blue one. Ellie doesn't like him using her swing!
 Brody's first time outside playing. I bundled him up and took him out for a little bit the other day when it was so nice!


Double fisting his toys!

hi mom pawpaw is letting me do anything i want also

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Ellie's 2 Year Pictures!

Playing with Haaadeee!

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Princess Holland

Daddy and Raye making Holland a Dora Princess!


A fun week around the Benson house

"Ellie Benson" is what she is saying! I'm so proud of my girl! She's so smart!
We got to play outside this week!
 I guess she had to make sure all of her stuff was accounted for!
 Brody playing on his tummy!
 Beep Beep, watch out!
 Silly girl smiling at Daddy. She is eating her Cheese Nips, she loves them as much as Daddy does. Notice Lola in the background she's always on the prowl for dropped snacks by Ellie!
 He loves this ball, it's his favorite toy!
 This picture is funny. Kisses!
 He's so handsome!


Art Time

OCD Ellie

She walked in mud outside earlier on her way in the house. She went in her room and brought her shoe out and had to clean it! She didn't forget she had that mud on her shoes! Its been driving her crazy! LOL


No David!

She loves the David book series from David Shannon. She has them memorized and will read them to me! She's such a smart girl!


Ellie is calling Holland a horsey and saying Yeehaw! She's yelling GET UP HOLLAND! He's such a gentle guy for weighing 100lb!


I'M 2!

We went to the doctor for Ellie's 2 year check up. She weighs 30lbs and is 36in tall! She's in the 75th percentile for her weight and the 95th percentile for her height. She is doing great developmentally also. Her doctor said she's ahead in speech! That doesn't surprise us one bit! We are going home to ride her bike now!


Happy Birthday to Ellie

Happy Birthday


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