
Growin lil El's Raye!

Wow Ellie has accomplished soooo much the past few days! She is sooooo amazing! On Saturday she discovered she had a tongue. Then Sunday she discovered she could blow bubbles with her tongue! It's the funniest thing ever! It's sooo funny too because my tongue looks exactly like my Dad's and so does El's she's got the Lewis tongue...weird! :) She blows bubbles NONSTOP!!!!Then yesterday she started eating oatmeal cereal.....she LOVES it! She also rolled from back to tummy and got her arm out of the way for the first time yesterday. Every time I acknowledged her doing it she would stop. So today I hid around the corner and recorded it. Then when my Dad came to our house she was all about showing off to him.....she's a little stinker! So now she's rolling over nonstop! The next step is crawling, Daddy and I are going to be in for it then! I hope you enjoy some pictures and a little video of our ever changing El Raye!
She loves oatmeal cereal. We started it on Monday!
She rolled over from back to tummy and moved her arm out of the way for the first time yesterday!
Poor Garth doesn't have a chance with Duke! Lola, Wayne and Duke
El loves being outside! Mr.Holland! She loves blowing bubbles and playing with her tongue! She just started doing it Sunday! the monkey tastes so good! Lola's life is soooo rough!

I'm sorry it's sideways.......it's a little far because I had to hide too! :) stinker!

Little Miss. Ellie's 4 Month Pictures!

She loves posing for the camera..it cracks me up!!!!!!
Beach Baby!


Well I had my surgery last Wednesday. It went great. My gallbladder was infested with stones and was infected. I am so glad I will be feeling back to normal soon! Ellie stayed with my Dad and Barb last Tuesday and Wednesday. I was soooooo glad to see her Thursday morning. Momma and Daddy missed her soo much. I am feeling pretty good now. Just sore and still a little tired. I am sooo thankful for all of our family who helped us out the past week. I don't know what we would have done without you! Thanks again!
Momma and El Raye the day after my surgery!
Daddy missed his honeybuns!
Happy to be home!
Flying baby El
Great Grams and El
Daddy and his kisses!Crazy baby Yay....we painted the hallway. John of course doubted the color but once I decorated it he loved it!


I went to get an ultrasound of my gallbladder this morning then went to see the surgeon. I will have my gallbladder taken out tomorrow at 12:10 pm. I am soooo glad that I will finally feel better. I've been having issues with it for 5 months now and didn't know it was my gallbladder. I will just be glad to be back to normal the past 2 days have been awful. MawMaw and PawPaw are going to keep El tonight so Daddy and Momma can get a good nights rest and go strait to the hospital in the morning. Here are some pictures from today.
Yummy cereal! She loves it!
She thinks she can feed herself! :)
MawMaw feeding El!
Aunt Hali playing with El
Beautiful baby El Rayes


We have kept pretty busy the past several days. Ellie got to go to the Henry County animal auction last week! Friday we had Auntie B and Uncle JJ over for dinner. Uncle JJ decided Ellie needed to ride Duke..haha! Duke thought we were crazy. Ellie also got to meet Jaxson on Sunday. John decided that Jaxson can be Ellie's boyfriend. Ellie looks like a toddler compared to him! :)
Lastnight I had to go to the ER. I was having sharp pains in my right side. Which we had thought was my back then food allergies for the past 4 months. Well it has been my gaulbladder. I go tomorrow for an ultrasound. Then they will schedule my surgery.
Ellie and her boyfriend Jaxson! They are 3 months and a week apart in age!
This is funny!
Dukey thinks Ellie and Uncle JJ are crazy!
El playin in her exersaucer!
El stylin in her Ralph Lauren MawMaw got her!
She thinks she can eat on her own!
I love my cereal!


4 Months Old Today!

We just went to the doctor! Ellie weighs 14.1lb in the 90th percentile, 25&1/2 in. long in the 95th percentile her head circumference is in the 75th percentile. Developmentally Ellie is at 6 months! The doctor was so impressed Ellie can put her feet in her mouth and has so much head control. The doctor couldn't believe Ellie hadn't rolled over yet. So she put her on her belly and sure enough Ellie rolled over for her! Little stinker. She had to prove me wrong! After she rolled over she was all smiles and laughing! John and I are so blessed to have a perfect beautiful baby!


Benson Family Reunion and Cereal Time

Great Great Aunt Mary Ellen & Pat
Great Great Aunt Mary Ellen and El
El Raye stylin like always!
Great Grandma Benson and Great Aunt Karen
Great Aunt Kathy, Great Aunt Karen and Great Grandma Benson
Happy happy baby loves her cereal!


Great Aunt Melissa's Baby Shower

Ellie went to her first baby shower today. Her Great Aunt Melissa is having a baby girl in September Clover Alise. Ellie had a great time! She also got to meet her Great Aunt Ann and cousin Shelby for the 1st time! :)
It's a GIRL!!! Cousin Shelby and Ellie Great Aunt Melissa, Ellie and baby clover in her belly! Great Aunt Ann and Ellie El Rayes! MawMaw and El! Momma, MawMaw, El Raye, Great Grandma Miller, Great Aunt Melissa, Shelby and Great Aunt Ann

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