
Watching ELBOW!

She's watching Elmo saves Christmas in her room like a big girl in her recliner! HaHa!


Rayes Horsey Mr. Holland

She loves her Holland Hank!


He fell asleep playing with his new toys! Sweet boy!


Chubby Bubby!


He loves his play mat!


Mommies on Christmas Break!

Ellie and Jaxon at Church this past Sunday
 Raye loves her new Dora dish set Santa got her.
 Aunt Hadddeee and Ellie playing with the Webbles Castle. Aunt Hali has been at our house since Sunday night. She is a very big help with the kids!
 Brod Man
 She loves her Bullseye horse! She loves to sit on it and watch TV!
 Raye got a Hershey's kiss after dinner last night. She loved it!
 Daddy and Bubby
 Raye and Aunt Hadddeee watching Dora.
 Bubby talking to me! He is such a social butterfly!
Raye loves her new hat Granny got her.
 Little Chubby Bubby! We think he is teething, he has been drooling like crazy!
 Sis & Bubby
 How cute are they?!


Check out her stunt on Bullseye!

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She's a real cowgirl now with her horse muddin boots on riding Bullseye!


Cowgirl Raye

Riding Bullseye! She loves her "Herhe!" Now Daddy just needs to start our real farm!



I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas this year! Thank you to all of our family for making our Christmas amazing this year! We enjoyed spending time with everyone! We are very lucky and blessed to have you all! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all! Make sure you scroll down their are several postings from the past two days. You may even have to click on the previous postings tab.
 John, Brody, Sarah and Ellie Benson Christmas 2010

Christmas at MawMaw and PawPaw's

Dora kitchen! PawPaw is going to teach Ellie to be as good of a cook as he is!
 She loves the Dora kitchen! It will stay at MawMaw and PawPaw's to play with since GG got her one for our house for Christmas!
 Bubby and GG
 MawMaw and Bubby. Bubby loves talking to his MawMaw!
 MawMaw got all kinds of soft small learning toys for Bubby!
 GG and Raye! She loves her GG! Probably because GG gives into everything Ellie wants!
 MawMaw with her babies!
 Raye got Dora slippers! She had to take her shoes off and put them on! She loves them. We had to take them off before bed and hide them this morning! She calls them PawPaw!
 MawMaw had Aunt Ann find the black Lalaloopsy doll in Colorado and send it to her. She is the hardest one to find! Ellie only needs four more to complete her collection! Ellie also got her Dora bedding set from MawMaw and PawPaw! She LOVES it! She's in her big girl bed tonight sleeping with it! The comforter is Satin and she loves how it feels!

Christmas at Granny and Papaw Griffey's

She loves the Bullseye glider!
 Raye and Brody opening gifts with Aunt Hadddeee and Granny!
 YAY, Brody's first tractor. I don't know if Daddy or Brody was more excited!
 Ellie loves her Webbles Castle!
 Raye and her ride on pony!
 She loves clothes, she is my daughter!
 Daddy, Uncle Jack and Papaw had to get his tractor out to play with!
 Brody and Papaw Griffey!

All ready Christmas morning!

Brody and Ellie
 Merry Christmas!
Brody 14 weeks old and Ellie 21 months old
 Our beautiful children! We are so lucky!
 Brody Joseph Alan's 1st Christmas 
 Ellie Raye Sylvana's 2nd Christmas!

Christmas Morning at the Benson House

The kids hit the jack pot with Santa this year! They must have been extra good! Ellie got a ton of Dora stuff, horses and several Lalaloopsy Dolls! Brody got car and toy story toys! John's parents also came over and shared Christmas morning with us. We are very glad they came over to share this special day with us. We also had Cinnamon and Carmel Rolls with hot coco! It was a great Christmas morning at our house.

Raye loves her ball pit Santa left. It's Dora of course!
 Bubby was up early so he fell back asleep in his swing before Sis got up.
 She loves her Dora doll and blankie!
Bubby likes his Woody doll.
 Ellie loves all her "Herhe's"
 Nanny and Bubby
 Papaw, Raye, Nanny and Bubby! Ellie is so funny she always thinks Papaw is going to save her. When she gets in trouble or wants something John or I won't give her she yells Papaw and goes to him. Every Sunday at church when we go get her from her room she runs out yelling PAPAW and goes and finds him all on her own! She's so funny.
 Papaw and Bubby. He loves for Papaw to talk to him and tickle him!
 Raye loves her vacum cleaner. Now she's even more like Nanny!
 Mr. Holland enjoying Christmas relaxing. This is how he has to sit now from his accident. He's came a long way. I'm reminded daily when I look at him that he's our miracle dog!
 Bubby was really into his little Zoomers toy!

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