
It seemed like this week dragged by. We were all ready for the weekend. We are all healthy now for the time being. I'm hoping we are all done getting sick now! We will be going to Michigan next Friday to visit John's Grandparents, Aunt Tina and cousins. We are really excited for them to meet Brody and see Ellie now! Ellie has really changed since they saw her last!

Brody has his first set of shots this week. It was sad. He puckers his bottom lip out when he does his hurt cry and it is so pitiful! He did good though. Just the crying after the shots is the only side affect he had. He's starting to try and laugh out loud now. It's adorable. I love when he coos and smiles at us. It's just adorable!

Ellie Raye is saying new words like crazy! She can say "C-YA" and "Santa!" Her S's aren't perfectly clear but I'm very impressed she's doing so well at trying. She should have her ABC's down soon. She has been a big Mommy's girl lately. She will tell John "NO MOMMY" if she doesn't want him doing what he's doing to her. She will also say "your funny." It's so hilarious. She is our high maintenance little diva that's for sure.

We have started calling Brody Chubby Bubby!
 One of MawMaw's friends gave Ellie a ton of Dora toys. She loves the Dora house! I had it all set up for her Thursday night when she got home from Nanny's!
 She was so EXCITED!
 Putting Dora's baby sister in her stroller!
 Great Grams of course spoils Ellie Raye! She got her the Dora's Christmas Carol that Ellie loves! Then she got her a baby Boots, jammies and kitty cat socks! Raye LOVES Dora's Christmas Carol movie. She watched it 3 times at PawPaw's Wednesday and 4 times at Nanny's yesterday!
 BABY BOOTS! She carries him around like a real baby. She mimics everything that I do with Brody on her dolls and stuffed animals!
 Daddy and Bubby hanging out in Sis's room.
 Raye with her Baby Boots. He even had to sleep with her last night and her life sized Dora and Smurf. If GG keeps buying Raye stuffed animals she's going to have to buy Raye a king size bed! ;)

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