

Ready for a nice day!

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Puffs for the 1st Time!

Brodys Eating Puffs for the 1st Time and loves them!

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Good Morning!


How cute is she sitting in her Dora recliner in her room watching 101 Dalmatians!?!?

1st Hair Cut

brody with pawpaw when mawmaw gave him his first hair cut

Bub and Raye

look out world future drivers are getting ready


Easter 2011

Thanks to everyone for the cards and packages that were sent to the kids!
 New Easter Baskets from Aunt Karen
 Brody enjoyed the packing paper
 Of course my little organizer had to line them up! She's not OCD at all!
 Ellie and Mommy colored Easter Eggs. We had a blast!
 Such a big girl!
 Miley and Brody
 Miley is 3 months and Brody is 7 months. This is Brody's future wife!
 Yay the Easter Bunny brought Ellie a Basketball goal!
 Brody licking his bubbles!
 The princess is all ready for Church Easter Sunday!
 She even let me hot roll her hair Easter morning as she watched 101 Dalmations. It's her favorite movie now!
 The handsome man is all ready! Yes he is rocking a sweater vest!


Colored Easter Eggs

Ellie and Mommy colored Easter eggs and put them in their new Easter Baskets from Aunt Karen and Uncle Larry!

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Easter 2011

Ellie Raye and Brody
This picture truly shows how much Ellie loves Brody and how much he adores her!
 Rotten Ellie and sober Brody!
 So sweet and innocent!
 A collage of our babies!
 Ellie Raye in her 3rd Easter dress!
 This will be Brody's 1st Easter! All he wants for Easter is a life size chocolate bunny!


Bathtub Time with Ellie Raye and Brody
Ellie playing with Brody
 Brody graduated from his baby bathtub into his bathtub ring! We are very excited to get rid of our baby bathtub!
 Raye and Bubby
 Rotten Girl
 Chubby Bubby
 Ellie looks like she's up to no good here!
 Getting Bubby's hair wet!


Driving Daddies Truck!

Sidewalk Chalk at PawPaw's

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Asleep on Mommies lap!

Ice Cream at Mings!

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Shake Time

Enjoying a Chocolate shake from Weenie World! Yummy!

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Our lives have really been crazy! I haven't updated you all in a very long time!

John and I have been very busy with work and keeping up with our kids. We have been going to bible study every Wednesday afternoon. We have learned a lot and grown spiritually close together. It has truly been a great experience for our relationship together and with the lord.

Ellie- Is a 2 year old with an attitude. She tests us everyday it seems. She is a big Mommies girl as well. She hurts John's feelings a lot because she doesn't want him to do anything for her! It can be exhausting for me. She has started gymnastics and loves it. I am going to try and get some pictures of her. It is absolutely adorable. She is talking in sentences now and it seems insanely crazy that she can speak that well. I have been told that I could carry on conversations and talk very well when I was little too....hmmm. :)
Brody- Is a growing boy. He is getting so big so quick. He has the sweetest smile. He seems to smile a ton. He goes to the doctor this week for his 6 month check up even though he is all most 7 months. He will be 7 months in 2 days. I can't believe it! He is working through his fussiness. We have good days and bad days with him. It seems to get better as he gets older. I know in a couple years we will look back and think that it was a piece of cake. He is still not sleeping through the night and we can't wait til he does!
 Brod Man
 He will be crawling in no time!
 He's sitting up on his own now!
 Playing with his work bench toy.
 Little Miss. Ellie in her leotard. She's in gymnastics now and she loves it. The bars are her favorite!
 Silly Girl
She's actually saying Thanks GG! She loves her sand/water table and fun sand GG got her and Brody for Easter!
 Can you believe Mommy put this together while Daddy was mowing? It even required power tools!
 Pretty girl!

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