
Ellie and Alyssa

Today Ellie and I went to get my eyebrows waxed. She got to meet my hairdresser Erin and her daughter Alyssa. Alyssa just turned 1. Ellie is excited to have play dates with Alyssa when she gets a little older!
On the Tummy! El & Daddy


We have been pretty busy this week so far! We started walking around the park last week and we are going to continue to do so. We walk 2 miles for now and we are working our way up to 5 miles every night! Ellie loves to look at everything! We have started to transition Ellie to a bottle. She doesn't like it to well but we are hoping by June we will have it down!
Ellie loves her Robeez Sandals Nanny got her for the summer! Thanks Nanny!


BUSY Day!!!

Today we moved Great Grams Lewis more! Then we went to Great Aunt Lovers house so Ellie could meet all of her Granny Griffey's brothers and sisters which are Great Aunt Lover, Great Aunt Loretta, Great Aunt Ernastein, Great Aunt Berniece, Great Uncle Paul, Great Uncle Patrick and Great Uncle Tim! This was a pretty big deal considering that their is so many of them. Great Aunt Berniece and Great Uncle Paul were both in from out of state. This was the 1st time in 5 years that they had all gotten together! They were all very excited to meet Miss. Ellie! We also got a package in the mail today from Great Aunt Tammy which was my Grandpa Lewis' sister. She got Ellie the most beautiful blanket! It has scripture written on it and her name! I put some pictures of it below! We are going to church then Nanny and Papaw Benson's house after church. Daddy and Papaw are putting together the swing set for Ellie! Nanny ordered Ellie a pink swing so we are really excited!
Great Aunt Tammy from Washington got Ellie this beautiful blanket with her name and scriptures engraved on it! We love it! Thank you sooo much Great Aunt Tammy!

Great Aunt Berniece from Michigan and Ellie!

Great Aunt Lover and Ellie Raye!

Granny Griffey showing Ellie off to Great Aunt Loretta!

Ellie sure does have daddy wrapped around her finger!


Today Momma and Ellie went shopping with Nanny Benson in Richmond. Then this evening we had Uncle Mikey and Aunt Casey over for dinner. Tomorrow we are going to help move Grams Lewis some more. Then Ellie gets to meet ALL of her Granny Griffey's brothers and sisters at Great and Lovers house! On Sunday we are going to church then Nanny and Papaw Benson's house. Then PawPaw and MawMaw's house for dinner. We are going to be pretty busy this weekend! Ellie got to wear summer clothes today it was 84 here!


Ellie's friend Ava came over today!

My good friend Rachel and her daughter Ava Mae came over today. Ava just loves Ellie so much. She always asks her Mom about her and wants to see pictures. It is soooo adorable how Ava calls her baby Ellie! Enjoy some pictures of Ellie and her friend Ava!
Ava Mae and Ellie Raye
Ava loves baby Ellie!
El holdin the bink on her own!


5 weeks!

We had a pretty busy weekend. Friday night we stayed home and did nothing. Saturday we started moving Grams! We are soooo excited to move into her house in June. Ellie really seemed to love it there. The weather was nice and she was able to go outside and look around. Saturday night we went to see Granny and Grandpa Griffey. Then today we went to church, stopped by Great Grandma and Grandpa Bensons house, went to Nanny and Papaw's for lunch then Muncie. So we had a busy day today! Ellie is starting to coo and babble alot. It's sooo exciting seeing her personality start to come out. Some of her facial expressions are just so funny!
Lola loves Ellie! Ellie in her cherry sweatsuit!
We tried to use the bottle...didn't work! 15 mintues of screaming and we gave in!!! Stylin in her outfit Great Aunt Karen got her! Ellie in her Oilily outfit Great Auntie Tina, and her cousins Anna, Matt & Michael got her! Thanks again! Momma & El

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