Today we moved Great Grams Lewis more! Then we went to Great Aunt Lovers house so Ellie could meet all of her Granny Griffey's brothers and sisters which are Great Aunt Lover, Great Aunt Loretta, Great Aunt Ernastein, Great Aunt Berniece, Great Uncle Paul, Great Uncle Patrick and Great Uncle Tim! This was a pretty big deal considering that their is so many of them. Great Aunt Berniece and Great Uncle Paul were both in from out of state. This was the 1st time in 5 years that they had all gotten together! They were all very excited to meet Miss. Ellie! We also got a package in the mail today from Great Aunt Tammy which was my Grandpa Lewis' sister. She got Ellie the most beautiful blanket! It has scripture written on it and her name! I put some pictures of it below! We are going to church then Nanny and Papaw Benson's house after church. Daddy and Papaw are putting together the swing set for Ellie! Nanny ordered Ellie a pink swing so we are really excited!
Great Aunt Lover and Ellie Raye!