
Lunch with Nanny, Papaw and GG

My Grandma and John's parents came over for lunch today. We had a really good time. We are off to my Step-Mom's families next!

John and I opened up our gifts from one another and the kids this morning. Bubby got Daddy the new Michael Jackson CD.  Ellie enjoyed throwing the wrapping paper away.
 Ellie got Daddy an "ELBOW" shirt! Ellie picked it out on her own too!
 Little Bubby in his Paul Frank outfit MawMaw got him!
 Papaw and Brody
 Raye with her "NINNY!" She loves her Ninny so much!
 GG and Raye opening GG's gift from her and Brody. GG let Ellie try coffee today and Ellie thought it was pretty tasty!

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