
Christmas at MawMaw and PawPaw's

Dora kitchen! PawPaw is going to teach Ellie to be as good of a cook as he is!
 She loves the Dora kitchen! It will stay at MawMaw and PawPaw's to play with since GG got her one for our house for Christmas!
 Bubby and GG
 MawMaw and Bubby. Bubby loves talking to his MawMaw!
 MawMaw got all kinds of soft small learning toys for Bubby!
 GG and Raye! She loves her GG! Probably because GG gives into everything Ellie wants!
 MawMaw with her babies!
 Raye got Dora slippers! She had to take her shoes off and put them on! She loves them. We had to take them off before bed and hide them this morning! She calls them PawPaw!
 MawMaw had Aunt Ann find the black Lalaloopsy doll in Colorado and send it to her. She is the hardest one to find! Ellie only needs four more to complete her collection! Ellie also got her Dora bedding set from MawMaw and PawPaw! She LOVES it! She's in her big girl bed tonight sleeping with it! The comforter is Satin and she loves how it feels!

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