
Fan Appreciation Night @ Mt.Lawn

Well we had a pretty good weekend. Friday we didn't really do much of anything just went to Taco Bell because John had been craving it. I can't eat a full meal from anywhere so he helped me finish mine and then he got mad at me because I let him eat my leftovers :) It's so funny because he has even had cramps..haha!!! Saturday we went to Mt.Lawn with our bestfriends Brooke and Jason. It was fan appreciation night, so it was a long night. They had drags, the cop dogs perform, powderpuff races, big wheel race and then the normal races. We had alot of fun! Brooke and I were a little disappointed our least favorite driver didn't get slammed into the wall but maybe next weekend. Today Brooke and Jason are coming over to eat and then we are of course going to watch Big Brother 10 tonight!!!
John & Jason
Scott Runion's car. He's our favorite!!!

This is the 5 that Scott Runion put inside his number 22 in memory of Brooke's dad Scott Hinshaw who's racecar number was 5.

This is Izzy & Howard our future cats when we move to the country next summer... They live with my Mom outside now but we decided we want to adopt the cats because they are hunters.... They have already presented my Mom with a mole, rabbit and several birds & their still kittens!