Aunt Hillary came from Evansville to see Miss. Ellie on her Spring Break!
Blog Archive
- Some pictures from Sunday, Monday & this morning! ...
- Hospital Picture
- Splish Splash Ellie's 1st Bath!!!!
- No title
- Ellie was still fighting sleep lastnight! So it wa...
- Well Miss. Ellie has decided that she doesn't have...
- 1 Week Old!!!!
- Miss.Ellie is still doing great! Great Grams Lewis...
- We are HOME!!!
- Come on 7:14pm!!!!!
- Day 3
- bedtime!
- Ellie today 3-16-09! Happy Birthday Grandpa Griffey!
- Ellie's BEAUTIFUL!!! 7lbs.7oz.19in 3-15-09
- No inducing tomorrow!
- 38 weeks!
- Lola and her diet!