
We have been staying busy again this week. I think we have our routine down pretty well.

 Ellie decided to climb out of her pack n play at MawMaw and PawPaw's on Monday during nap time. I guess she didn't want to nap. When MawMaw heard the bedroom door squeak open she ran to the staircase and Ellie was at the top saying HIIIIII to her with a big grin! So today when she went down for her nap PawPaw shut the door. He heard her trying to open the door. She had climbed out again. He put her back in her pack n play and asked her to show him how she climbed out. She showed him how she did it too! We will be starting toddler bed training soon. She can't get her leg over the top of her crib yet because it's higher but we don't want to risk that happening. I hope to get her in her toddler bed over Christmas break! She has also had an attitude lately. I think we are hitting terrible two's a little early. She is very dramatic at times (I dont' know where she gets that)! We have found that it's very hard to discipline her when you just want to laugh at her.

Brody is doing great! I can tell he's feeling much better! He is sleeping in his own room in his pack n play now. He's really enjoying laying on his back and taking everything in around him. He's very observant. He's started to coo some as well. It's really adorable. He really focuses on your face when you talk to him too. He really gets his arms and legs moving good. I have a feeling he's going to do the rolling over, crawling and walking sooner than Ellie did. He's just a squirmy little guy! He wants to move!

She loves to sit in her baby stroller!
 Big guy!
 Aw, she loves him so much.
 Enjoying a Ring Pop!
 She didn't want me to take her picture.
 He loves to lay on the floor on a blanket or on his play mat.
 I think he is such a pretty little man!

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