
Sorry it's been so long!

Wow we have been extremely busy! I went back to work on Monday. Ellie and Brody have adjusted just fine to the new crazy schedule we have! I feel like I never stop. It has been challenging but it has to be done! I am ready for Thanksgiving Break and Christmas Break already!

 Ellie is constantly saying new words. She can say hot dog, again, yucky, nasty and her new favorite is UTTTTTOOOOO and she makes her lips in to a big o shape! It's funny. She's always trying to say new words even if she can't say it fully or correctly she still tries when you ask her to say it. She is getting smarter everyday it seems like. She loves Brody and is such a big helper with him. I was really scared at first at how she would react to him but she's done amazing with him. She isn't jealous of him at all. She understands that he needs attention sometimes when she wants it. She waits for me to finish with him pretty patiently. We are going to start potty training soon. She's also going to be sleeping in a big girl bed soon too. I hope to start these two things over Christmas Break! If potty training can hold off that long. She will tell you when she peepee's or poopies now! She also likes to undress herself and occasionally stick her hands in her diaper! We tell her ladies don't do that but she's still interested!
Brody is doing good and growing like a weed. I took him to the doctor yesterday and he weighed 10.9 lbs. He is on Nutramigen formula due to having Colic and GERD. The GERD is a reflux disease. He will be on Nutramigen formula till he is 6 months and then after that a soy formula till hes a year old. If his body doesn't do well with soy formula he will have to stay on the Nutramigen till he's 1.  We are hoping he will do fine with it. He has also had blood in his stool. We are hoping to get it under control so he doesn't have to be reffered to Riley in Indy. He has been doing much better since on his new formula and rice cereal. He is sleeping from about 8pm to 1am then till 5am at night. After 5am he does fine until he gets to whoevers house he is supposed to be at for that day! We are just happy he's starting to feel better with his new formula and cereal. It was getting pretty challenging and hard a few weeks ago. It's amazing that his eyes have already turned brown. They are very dark! I see so much of John in him and barely any of me. I think he has my big brown eyes and that's about it. He has the most adorable dimples ever! I don't know where he gets them from either! It's the sweetest thing when he flashes his smile and shows off the big dimples up in his chubby cheeks!

We are really looking forward to the holidays with our families. We are making a road trip to Michigan to spend time with John's Grandparents (Papa and Nonnie) and Great Auntie Tina and many other family members in Michigan! John's brother and his family will also be coming to Indiana over the holiday and they will get to meet Brody! I'm really excited about Christmas this year. Ellie is going to really enjoy it! I have been looking around like crazy for her Lalaloopsy Dolls. I guess I am going to be that crazy parent who searches for toys for Christmas! I'm really caving into the MOMMY role! First a minivan and now a crazy toy shopper! It's well worth all of it though for my babies! Hope everyone is doing well! I will try to be better about updating. We also haven't had a computer for a while because Ellie destroyed our other laptop!

Mr. Brody just hanging out
 Ellie got a personalized Dora book from Aunt Tammy. The story stars Ellie, Brody, MawMaw and PawPaw! Brody also got his baby blanket with his name and birth date like Aunt Tammy got Ellie. Thanks Aunt Tammy for the awesome gifts!
 Bubby and Raye in Bubbies crib
 John and Brody
 Daddy, Ellie and Brody
 Raye being a little sneak!
 Ellie got a Dora and baby Boots toy set from GG! She calls Great Grams "GG" since she can't say Great Grams yet!
 Thanks Nanny and Papaw for the Elmo toy for Halloween! She loves it! Brody also got a glow worm! We didn't get to trick or treat at their house because they went to Michigan.
 Trick or Treating at GG's house!
 GG and Brody
 GG got Raye her favorite Reese's Cups!
 OHHH Goodness!
 MawMaw the Kitty Kat and Raye the Ladybug! Thanks MawMaw and PawPaw for Raye and Brody's Halloween costumes and clothes from Old Navy for Halloween!
 Granny, Spotter and Ellie. I think Ellie wanted to stuff Spotter in her bag! She loves Spotter and he loves her ssometimes! Thanks Granny and Papaw Griffey for the candy and pj's!
 Bad 2 the Bone Brod Man! MawMaw found this hat at Old Navy, it's adorable! He's also got his shirt on Auntie B got him for Halloween!
 Raye carving her first pumpkin with Mommy. Daddy wouldn't clean the pumpkin out so I did! Ellie decided it was okay after she saw me doing it.
 Helping Daddy!
 This picture cracks me up. She's so funny!
 She lost interest in carving Dora's face out. She decided to play with her toys. She also has her shirt on Auntie B got her and a bow I had made to match it. Thanks Auntie B for the Halloween shirts!
 John and I hate Dora but we've learned you get over things to please your children.
Bubby in his second Halloween shirt from Aunt Loretta. If you look at Brody's right check you can kind of see his dimples. They are adorable. I haven't been able to get a picture of them yet but oh my goodness it's so cute! I don't know anyone in our families who has these dimples! It's cute!
 When Brody's on his play mat Ellie tries to join him!

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