
Well I have GOOD news to announce! The vet called today and Holland was groomed good today and his tube was taken out. They are going to monitor him over night and make sure he's all well to send home tomorrow! We are extremely excited to bring him home. Please keep your fingers crossed for us! We miss our Holland Hank!
My mouth is feeling much better. I ended up getting blisters all around the two surrounding teeth of the one extracted. Then I got blisters on the left and right of the incision. I was in throbbing pain and it was not fun! Today was the first day in a week and a half I was able to keep a meal down. This ordeal really hit me good! I go to my OB tomorrow and I will update you all if I get any news! John and I did get our storks nest appointment done on Monday. That's where you get all you delivery paperwork filled out for Mommy and baby. I can't believe in 8 weeks or less our little man will be here! We are getting really excited. John is taking off Monday and Tuesday so we can get Ellie and Brody's new rooms done! Ellie will be moving to the back bedroom with the bigger closet! I will get pictures posted when we are all done. I am driving up to Indiana Beach on Sunday with Aunt Melissa and Cousin Clover. Ellie will then stay with MawMaw, PawPaw and Uncle Loggie from Sunday-Tuesday for vacation at Indiana Beach! I am really excited for her but a little nervous for her to be away! I know she's in great hands though and she will have a blast! I am going to spend Sunday there and come back home with Aunt Melissa and Cousin Clover that evening. It's Sponge Bob weekend too at Indiana Beach so Ellie is going to love it! I am really excited! I'm sure we will be getting a ton of Sponge Bob souvenirs. Daddy will be at the Brickyard with all his good friends so he'll miss out on it, I bet he's sad....lol!

This is John and Ellie last night while Daddy cut his hair. He took her shirt off because she got mashed potato's all over it at dinner! She of course loved having her shirt off!
She's so onry! She has been getting so many teeth in lately! The last time I counted she had 12 and that was before all her k-9's came in this week! She's done great though, I didn't even know she was getting any! She's such a happy girl all the time!
She of course went and got her a green onion out of PawPaw's garden!
She does have some Lewis in her, if not she wouldn't like green onions! After her onion she had some of PawPaw's pickle, that's my girl!
Look what her PawPaw made her in his wood shop class for college! Its a special bench for his Raye Raye! It's not quit done yet though and he has to have it graded. I'm sure he'll get an A+! I am very proud of my Dad on how successful he has been with his college career! He has really worked hard and accomplished alot!
Awwwww, she loves it! She was mad PawPaw had to take it back out to his garage. He's going to have something special stenciled on it for her!

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