
We still haven't got to bring Holland home from the vet yet. He still has a lot of fluid draining from his leg where he was hit. He is doing good though. We have been checking on him everyday and getting updates from the vet. It has been very hard that he has been at the vet for 11 days though. We really miss him. We know that he's in good hands. It's better for him to be where they can handle his situation as best as possible. We may possibly get to pick him up tomorrow it's not for sure yet. We knew this was going to be a long, slow and hard recovery. I just don't think we were as mentally prepared for it as we thought. The past two weeks have been hard. I don't think theirs been a day I haven't shed a tear!
I also have to have a tooth cut out by an oral surgeon tomorrow in Muncie. John has a training in Lebanon for compact tractors. So luck fully John's Mom came to the rescue! She is coming over tomorrow to take me to the oral surgeon and help me with Ellie. Then if Holland comes home my Dad is going to help me get him from the vet and home! Geez, what would we do without them? We are very lucky to have such good parents to help us in the time of need with no questions asked! We really appreciate all they do for us continually! I will try to get pictures posted if I can over the weekend. I am not going to be able to have any anesthesia or be able to take much pain medicine for my tooth because of being in my third trimester. This is a tooth I had to have a crown placed on so that's why it has to be cut out! Please keep us in your thoughts over the weekend as we have a lot going on!

16 Months Old! She's becoming such a big girl!
I can't believe in almost 2 months she will be a big sister to her baby brother Brody! She can say Bubby plain as day, we are working on Brody!
She really misses her Daddy during the day! Every morning I wake up to her yelling "DAAAAAAAAAAA" over her monitor. She calls him "Da", it's so sweet!
I had Aunt Kathy make us several new blankies for Ellie but this is her favorite. She drags it around all over the house. We allow her to have it in the car or to go with her if she's staying the night somewhere. If we would allow her it would go everywhere with her!
We still rock Ellie every night before bed with her sippy cup of milk. John and I rotate doing this every night. It's such a special time for us with her that we don't want to give it up. I read a book to her last night for the first time as I rocked her and she drank her milk. So it was Daddy's turn this evening. He read Lamma Lamma Red Pajama to her an I read Mommy Hugs to her last night. She has really enjoyed what we've added to her bedtime routine!
She really loves the the Fresh Beat Band show on NickJr!

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