
We went and got Holland this afternoon! We were VERY excited to bring him home after him being gone almost a week. He is on 3 different medications and the next 6 weeks are very crucial for him to build back some of the muscle between his leg and hip that was destroyed. It will not all grow back but we are hopeful some will. The x-rays were pretty crazy that we saw today. He is truly a miracle story! He's trying to bare some weight on the leg (which is great)! He did good on the car ride home. When we got home he was so excited. It brought tears to ours eyes with the way he reacted. He came inside and cried and just wagged his tail. He was overwhelmed with excitement! We will be be doing leash exercises with him and making sure he has a good recovery over the next 6 weeks! Thank you to everyone who has showed us so much love and support during this hard time for our family! Please continue to keep Holland in your thoughts and prayers during the next six weeks!
Holland Hank coming home!
His incision from surgery.
He was so happy to be home and in his favorite spot behind John's chair!
He's trying to bare some weight on his leg.
We are so thankful he's going to be okay!

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