
I think most of you heard about Holland from facebook or word of mouth. He was hit yesterday afternoon by a truck. He is at Country Animal Acre Hospital in New Castle. He will be having a major surgery done to fix his back right leg. He dislocated it very badly. They are going to have to drill holes in both leg bones and connect them. They are going to call a specialist tomorrow and decide if the specialist at Northwood or they should do the procedure. The Vet office he is at has done 6 of these procedures. They have all been very successful. Holland will be pain free and able to walk perfectly fine. He won't be able to run around like before but, he will still be able to pace himself and run. We should know more of what's going on with the surgery tomorrow. He had to have a tube put in yesterday to drain blood from the road rash he got on his belly. When the vet called this morning he said that he had 3/4 of that blood drained. That's very good! Holland had been eating and drinking very good also. He's doing great! He will have several sets of stitches from some wounds he got as well. They are very impressed with how well he's doing. I know that it may seem silly to some of you when I say to please pray for our dog. But, we love Holland very much. The main reason we got him was for Ellie and she really adores him! He is such a sweetheart with her, and he loves her very much. He's really a well behaved good dog. We miss him and have had a really hard time dealing with this, it's been a very emotional past two days for our family. I am hoping he has surgery tomorrow and comes home tomorrow. I'm guessing it will probably be Tuesday before he comes home if he does have the surgery tomorrow though. We are going to get the house ready tomorrow. He will be babied big time so he has a good recovery! I will get some pictures of him uploaded when we get home. I will also update you with what we find out tomorrow from our vet. Please keep Holland in your thoughts and prayers for a good surgery!
Our little hillbilly this afternoon. Daddy had his shirt off outside so Raye decided she needed hers off too. I sprayed her with the hose a few times, she loved it! It was very hot here today!
She wasn't very photogenic today, here she is in her dress and hair bow we had made for her.
Momma and Raye
Raye and Daddies

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