
Ellie swinging at Nanny and Papaw's house. We went over for dinner to see John's brothers family for a short while. Great Grandma and Grandpa Benson all so came over and brought Ellie some fun toys!
Daddy showing Raye how to swing, you won't believe me when I tell you this but she did it herself after he showed her. She took her feet back, let go and she was sitting their holding on and swinging like a BIG GIRL! She never seizes to amaze me with how intelligent she is!

Look at this beautiful double rainbow after the storm at Nanny and Papaw's house. We stayed at their house and waited out the awful storm! The tornado that touched ground in Muncie was headed strait for Mooreland. We were pretty scared but, when we got home our house wasn't affected at all!
Papaw showing Raye the Rainbow. We asked her before we left the house if she wanted to go see Nanny and Papaw she responded "YES!" She hadn't seen them in a week, she missed them!
Ellie Raye was pooped from playing at Nanny and Papaw's, she got to play with her cousins Emerson & Stella.

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