
Ellie got pretty sick and raspy on Tuesday evening. John and I thought it was just her losing her voice. She has started to yell and scream for the fun of it, she thinks it's very funny! Nanny and Papaw told John it's a payback because he did the same thing when he was little. Anyways she had a fever on Tuesday night before bed, she couldn't sleep at all either Tuesday night. She kept coughing through the night and running a high fever. I called her doctor first thing Wednesday morning and we got in at 10:30. She ended up having the start of the Croup! She got a pill to take and she's feeling great today. We were very scared because we knew if she wasn't feeling better by tomorrow she would of been hospitalized. So I was very happy when she got a good nights rest last night and woke up like herself today! She still has a little cough but nothing compared to yesterday!

Ellie Raye this morning, feeling so much better!
Raye watching Yo Gabba Gabbas new BABY episode!
She loves her new Dora chair, MawMaw and PawPaw bought it for her as a "sick gift!" They don't spoil her at all!
Raye played in her sandbox for an hour this evening! She was having a really good time so I just let her play.
I got all the weeding done out behind and on the side of the house while she played. She did help me a little, she's such a big helper!
Having a blast!
Daddy and Raye before bed this evening. After her bath we parted her hair down the middle and blowed it dry to the sides. She has such big girl hair! We even use kids Paul Mitchell shampoo, she is my daughter!
She wanted her "BABA," she's not going to be getting anymore bottles at bed time starting next week. I think she will do perfectly fine with it. She has adjusted well to her sippy cup with milk during the day.

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