
Well things have seemed to slow down for us some. We have all of our stuff moved! Yay! We are just ready to get everything done at the house. The list seems to keep getting longer by the day :). John and I are up for the challenge though. We are having a contractor come to the house tomorrow to get an estimate on things we want done. We are very excited! Ellie has been spending alot of time outside and she LOVES it! She really likes watching her kittens Wayne and Garth. They like to put a show on for her. It's really funny! We will be getting our new chocolate lab puppy Holland next Thursday just in time for Daddies birthday which is next Friday! Holland is mainly going to be an outside dog. We are pretty excited to have a big dog! We are celebrating Uncle Luggie's birthday tonight at my Dad's and Ellie's gonna get in the pool for the first time! I will post some pics. later on! Have a great day!
Hopefully soon she'll be sitting up on her own!

Daddy made Ellie a pillow recliner!

Miss El Raye!

Bobbie and El at Daddy's work!

Wayne and Garth! They love living in the country outside!