
Ellie Raye's a GROWING girl!!!

We found out today that Ellie Raye is a growing girl! She already weighs 5.1 pounds!!!! She is having a very rapid growth! If she continues at the rate of growth she is they don't know how much she will weigh. If she slows down to the average weight growth she should be around 8 or 9 pounds by March 20th that's gaing half a pound a week which is average. They are leaving my due date at March 20th but the ultrasound tech said they will probably induce me earlier. We don't know when though. We meet with the doctor next Thursday so hopefully we will have more of our questions answered. We know that we will have another ultrasound but we aren't for sure when. As far as a c-section or natural birth go we don't know for sure either. It just depends on how big she gets and what the doctors feel is the safest for Ellie and I. They couldn't tell us how long she is but she has flipped and is no longer breech!!!! We are soooo happy about that! She has her head in the correct positioning and her butt is in my ribs! So we know she is extremely long too and above average in length! We will continue to update everyone. Hope you are all doing well! We have 10 inches of snow so far in New Castle and it's still snowing!!!