
Iraqi Scarf

Something that definitely touched me happened in my classroom yesterday. One of my students' Mother had been in Iraq for 7 months. We knew she would be coming home for 2 weeks sometime before Thanksgiving, but when was the main question.. This particular student has been living with his grandparents while she has been gone and the grandma has been coming in and helping with our class everyday! Well yesterday in class we all heard someone pulling on our door that we have to keep locked at all times. When we looked it was the Mom from Iraq in her uniform with a big bag on her back and her arms fully loaded with bags! My student and his Grandma/her Mom ran to the door and they were all 3 just crying, hugging and telling each other how much they loved and missed each other. I was completely balling my eyes out. It was unspeakable to tell you how this moment was. This mother had been in an airplane for over 18 hours. As soon as she landed in Indy she took a cab directly to the school just so she could see her son and Mom. She didn't get to call and let them know she was on her way either so nobody was their to pick her up. All she had was Iraqi money so the cab driver took a check for $86 for her cab ride. It was amazing to see this reunion!!! It made me realize how lucky I am to have all of my family and friends here and close to me. I honestly don't know what I would do if I couldn't see John or my Grandma for 7 months! The men and women who are serving for our country are amazing people and I have so much respect for them all! Below is a picture of an Iraqi handmade scarf that my student brought in today that his mother got for me in Iraq. The picture doesn't do it justice it's so beautiful!!!