
20 weeks/5 months!

Well it was sooo fun telling everyone that we are having a baby girl. It was funny because I didn't realize how many people wanted us to have a girl! I knew my bestfriend Brooke wanted me to have a girl really bad but I had no clue that so many others did as well! Aunt B/Brooke and Nanny Benson have already bought her alot of fun stuff! I know she's for sure going to be overly spoiled rotten. :) When we went to Target last night it was sooo much fun buying things for her. We got our registry done at Target and we are going to finish up the one we started online at Wal-Mart today.
Ahhh...my belly keeps growing :) Baby Bump at 20 weeks/ 5 months!
Lola isn't sure how she feels about this baby stuff being in the extra bedroom :)