
We had a very good day today. We went to visit Great Grandma & Grandpa Benson today. Ellie enjoyed showing off all her new things she has been doing lately to them! She also go to play with toys with Great Grandma & Grandpa. After that we came home and made 70 Christmas funfetti cookies. We made them for a cookie exchange that we went to at MawMaw & PawPaw's house. Ellie got to see her cousin Clover too at the cookie exchange. John & I then went to Wal-Mart after we got done at my Dad's to get Ellie's stocking stuffer gifts. When we got home we realised all the stuff wouldn't fit in her stocking. Now I have more to wrap. Daddy all so got her big gift from us put together. I am very excited to celebrate Ellie's 1st Christmas. I have been very emotional about Christmas this past week. It's very hard for me still when it comes to the holidays since my Grandpa is gone. I really hadn't looked forward to Thanksgiving or Christmas until this year. It's kind of a bitter sweet feeling for me. The change in how my family celebrates the holidays has been hard to adjust to since he passed away. This year has been so nice to start new traditions that I hope to keep going for my lifetime with my family! Playing with her toys this morning. Daddy wasn't to thrilled about helping take the cookies off the pan for the cookie exchange we went to this evening.Beautiful El Raye's enjoying cooking cookies with Momma & Daddy!Momma & DaddyMomma & RayeCousins Ellie Raye & Clover Elise at the cookie exchange. This is a JOHN facial expression!!!!! Raye Raye

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