
Crazy Baby Toddler!

Well our crazy baby toddler decided to go to bed at 10:35 this evening. We put her down to bed and we were just going to let her cry around 8. Her normal bedtime is 7. When we went into her room to get her she was standing in her crib yelling at us. She just started smiling when we walked in and turned her light on. She's such a stinker. So El and I played in the entry way and she all so opened her gift that day care sent home for her. We are planning on going shopping with Auntie B in the morning so hopefully she's not a grump.
Big brown eyed beauty!She's so ROTTEN!Momma & Ellie RayeMe and my girl! I love my Raye Raye!I had to put this picture on here. She was throwing a little baby fit! As you can see Holland is hiding behind the chair..haha! This was her gift that her day care sent home with her. It's a really cute book! Okay sooooo maybe the toy is pretty cool!

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