

Our little rotten baby toddler is growing up way to fast. She took her 1st bath tonight without her bathtub ring. She had so much fun taking her bath! She was scooting all over the bathtub. She also enjoyed being able to get to all of her toys whenever she wanted. She all so finds it pretty interesting when the bathtub drains. (I have put the expression baby toddler on her blog a lot lately. It has seemed to become one of her many nicknames since she is so huge compared to most kids her age or older than her...haha)
She has actually started to try and say hi! It is adorable. She is still shaking her head like crazy. Whenever you ask her a question you will definitely get the head shake no! She is a speed crawler now. She pulls herself up to her knees and depending on what she can get a hold of she will pull herself up. She loves to walk around in her walker or by someone holding her hands and helping her walk. She loves flying around the living room and kitchen in her walker! She has been a little congested so we think she is getting ready to get some more teeth. Just a little update on our crazy girl!
Crazy Baby Toddler Raye Raye
Hey, where's my water going Momma?

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