El is doing great! We have started introducing new foods. I tried giving her baby chicken food last night for dinner. She didn't want anything to do with it! It was pretty comical actually! We also gave her Cheerios. She really liked them. Tonight we gave her plain yogurt, which didn't go over to well! She kept gagging. We also gave her cottage cheese, she loved it! Then for dessert she had 1/4 of a plain graham cracker. She really likes graham crackers. I'm so excited to start introducing all these new foods on her food chart! We are aloud to do one new meat a week. So maybe we will try chicken again this week and she'll like it. If not we'll probably try beef next week! She is moving around like crazy. I have to baby proof the family room this weekend. Since she has decided to start trying to pull herself up to the coffee tables I need to get rubber for the edgings.
Happy Baby Girl El Rayes!