

So Miss. Ellie decided to crawl this evening! YAY! We are so proud of our big girl! She even pulled herself to her knees on the coffee table! She is doing so good! Hopefully by Christmas she'll be walking (like Papaw Benson thinks)! She is also sitting herself up now from the laying position! We are passing so many milestones! I can't believe our baby girl will be 8 months old in 6 days! Enjoy some pics from tonight!
So we are suckers! We got Ellie an Elmo cell phone for one of her Christmas gifts! We gave in and gave it to her tonight! I know we are awful! She just always wants to play with our cell phones so we felt bad! Soooo she got her Elmo cell phone tonight! :) NOOO more Christmas gifts though!Hurry up Daddy!YAY I finally got it! Daddy showing El how to use her phone!

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