

An update on our Raye!
Ellie is saying new words everyday! She is now saying "oh my!", "your funny", "help me", "up please", "hi mommy", "hi daddy", "hi bubby", "duh" and i'm sure I am probably missing something. She will laugh and say "your funny" and its the most adorable thing! She is so full of life and outgoing! She is making us laugh nonstop. She has a big attitude at times too. It's hard not to laugh when she goes on a rampage. We seem to be disciplining her a lot lately. It's hard but I know it's for her own good. Children need to know their limits and have discipline. She is also a very loving little girl. She will give you all the hugs and kisses you could possibly want. Unless you are Daddy, lol. John with will ask her for a kiss and she will shake her head no and come give me this kiss instead. She is funny. I think she does it to torment him. He is always tormenting her. Her little fish face kisses are adorable! She really enjoys church. She has several friends at church now. Every Sunday after I go back to her room and get her she barrels out  yelling PAPAW and she finds him! Most of you know that our church is very large and generally has over 300 people at service! So needless to say she is a brave little girl. She is crazy about her PawPaw and Papaw! She always think they are going to save her too if she gets in trouble by Mommy or Daddy at their houses!

She loves to wear her horse boots around the house. I think she needs a horse to go out and feed in them! She is putting Dora stickers on her shirt in this picture. She loves stickers! I keep them in a basket on the counter and she will go stand by the counter and say DORA!
 Look what Ellie does to her chair in her room! She's still messing with her stickers!

An update on our Brod Man!
Brody can roll over! He rolled over on Monday at his four month check up for Nadine! He weighed in at 14lb and 14oz and 26in long! He's a growing boy. He's in the 95th percentile in his height and weight! His head circumference is in the 50th percentile. He's doing great and their are no problems! He will continue to stay on the Nutramigen formula until he is 6 months old. We may try to switch back to regular formula because I expressed to our doctor I didn't want him on any soy formulas. If he can't handle regular formula due to his reflux disease and stool issues we will go back to Nutramigen until he is on Milk at 1. His vision and hearing tests were perfect too! He's a little ahead with his reflexes. She was pretty impressed with him. I am so glad he's doing so great. I had a really hard time worrying the entire pregnancy of all the what ifs due to my thyroid disease.

Brody rolling over and playing!

He loves this toy!
 He is really developing his Great Grandma Louise's forehead.
 Little cutie!
 He's always chewing on his hand! I'm guessing we will cut a tooth soon. He has been gnawing and drooling like crazy!

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