
Miley arrived this week!

She loves to wash her hands. She will pull her potty over to the sink and yell for us!
 She likes for me to sing the hand washing song to her!
 Handsome little man!
 I think he looks more and more like John everyday!
 She loved her Popsicle the other day she had two. The flu bug hit her and me pretty hard Sunday night. It was not fun!
 Our best friends Brooke and Jason welcomed their daughter Miley Sha to the world on Tuesday morning! We have been anxiously waiting on her arrival. I really enjoyed Brooke and I being pregnant at the same time. We always had said we wanted to do it and it actually happened with Brody and Miley. They are 4 months and a couple days apart in age. I'm sure Ellie and Miley will keep Brody in line! John and I are really excited to have friends with a kid now! It seems like they are all jumping on the bandwagon! That's fine with us. It's going to be great having all of our kids so close like we are!
 Ms. Miley
9lb 14oz 21.25in
 John was so excited to meet her!

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