
Shopping Trip to Indy

Raye and Brod went on their first shopping trip to Indy on Saturday! They both did great and had a good time! We went to Carters, Old Navy, Maggianos, Toys R Us and Sams Club. Ellie and Bubby got some new adorable winter clothes! We also had an amazing lunch at Maggianos. It's an Italian restaurant and it's very delicious! Thanks Great Grams Lewis for an awesome day yesterday, we all had a blast!
Daddy, Great Grams, Raye and Brod
 Such a big girl coloring at Maggianos. Ellie really liked their bread!
 Bubby enjoyed his milk at lunch!
 Great Grams got Raye her LalaLoopsy dolls! Ellie has been very interested in the commercial since it came on months ago. We were lucky enough to get the last set of dolls at Toys R Us.
 She loves her dolls! Ones named Sunny Side Up (orange hair) and the other is Very Berry Jam (pink hair)! They also come with their own animals she got a chicken and a cow with her dolls. We are going to have to get her some more dolls and clothing sets for Christmas! She sure does love these dolls!
 Thanks Great Grams! She loves her dolls!
 Bubby this morning before church in his Colts onesie Nanny got him!
 Raye before church!
 Raye had a performance at church today! She did great! She warmed up after the first song. She was so cute up on stage stomping her feet and dancing to the songs! I think we have a little performer on our hands! She enjoyed the spotlight!

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