
Here are some pictures from this past weekend and this week! We have been keeping busy! Brody's growing and eating like crazy! He's been doing very well sleeping at night. Ellie went to her 18 month check up on Tuesday she weighs 25lbs and is 34 inches tall. She's in the 95th percentile for her height and the 70th percentile for her weight. She's growing like a weed. She also scored above average on the social and emotional test they did on her. I'm very proud of our girl. She knows all of her body parts and showed off for Nadine! It was so adorable! She also wanted to keep the hospital gown they had her wear during her check up. We are going on a shopping trip Saturday with Great Grams!

Ellie eating a Ring-Pop
 Brody before church last Sunday in his Overalls MawMaw got him!
 She had to take her pony to church with her. She has one of her new fall outfits on too. We are enjoying the fall weather!
 Ellie loves being able to see out the windows in the van.
 Eating "Ninnnny's" pasta
 She was laying down watching DORA!
 Daddy with Brod Man and Raye
 Cousin Clover got to meet Brody!
 Checking him out!

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