
We were pretty busy this weekend. On Friday night we just stayed home and relaxed. Yesterday John and I went to Dave and Busters in Indy with our friends to celebrate Dane's birthday. Ellie stayed with my Dad and Barb while we went. Then today we went to church. El and I went to a bridal shower for my best guy friend Michael's sister. After that Ellie and I met John at the church for the fall festival. We had a good time this weekend!

Ellie is doing great! She had her flu shot last week. She didn't have any side affects from it either. She's military crawling like crazy. Any day now she will be crawling across the room. Our life will never be the same! She's doing great with eating all kinds of different baby food and Gerber graduate puffs. I have started giving her juice in a sippy cup also. She's doing pretty good with the sippy. She just can't figure out she has to tip it back and hold it at the same time..lol. It's really cute! She is also talking nonstop. We will ask her if she wants a "baba" (bottle) and she says it back to us. Its cute! She says "dada" and "mama" but I don't think she is particularly associating the words yet with the actual meaning. Hopefully she will soon though since she's already saying them! :) We have also signed El up for swim lessons. They start Nov.2nd at the YMCA in New Castle. We are very excited for her to start them.

At our churches Fall Festival today! Ellie enjoyed watching everyone. John and I helped do a bag throw game.
In her dress and boots MawMaw Lewis got her! She looked very pretty for church today in her outfit! Thanks MawMaw!Pretty girl Momma and ElI know shes not looking at the camera but this is a funny picture. She's staring at her Daddy! Big girl in her big girl car seat Daddy and his Ellie Raye Raye Daddy putting El's boots on Daddy, El, Lola and Duke all taking a nap Yummy snack time! She loves Gerber graduate puffs. Well Ellie likes to feed Lola! Its so funny bc Lola will stand up to her highchair when I turn my back and then Ellie feeds her. I caught Lola doing it finally! She hasn't quit figured out how to tip it back herself yet. Yummy pear juice! Splash....naked baby time! John and I went to Dave and Busters last night with all our friends to celebrate Dane's 25th birthday. We had a great time. El went and spent the evening with MawMaw and PawPaw Lewis. They took her to Olive Garden in Muncie :)

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