
great weekend!

Well we had a great weekend! Friday night we went to Olive Garden with all of our friends. We had a great time! We went to Target and got our baby bath tub, boppy and some toys.
We then went and saw the movie SAW 5 which was awesome! Saturday we had our friends over and all chipped in food to grill out. We then all played mario kart on the game cube it was fun and hillarious. Today we went to my Moms to celebrate mine and her birthdays. Then we went by my Dads for a little bit. Then met my Grams for dinner at Applebee's! We had a good weekend. Now the week starts tomorrow with my new job and getting to find out what the baby is Wednesday! Only 3 days, we are ecstatic to find out if the baby is a Tony or Ellie!!!!
Me & John

Jason & Brooke (he didn't want his picture take)

Michael & Casey

Dane & Chantel