
We had a busy weekend! Holland came home on Friday night and he has done great! We had to take him to the vet this evening though and he had to stay. He has some fluid built up in his leg they have to drain. He also had a fever of 103 so they wanted to maintain that and get him feeling better. He's getting around great and doing really well though. Ellie really missed Holland. She stayed the night with Nanny and Papaw on Friday. She loves to go to Nanny and Papaw's house. She has developed several routines there! She knows exactly where her snacks are and isn't afraid to get them out. She also enjoys cuddling with Papaw in his big chair. She enjoys helping Nanny clean and playing with her baskets! When Nanny brought her home she was so EXCITED to see Holland. She points to his incision and says "booboo." She will also whimper when he gets up to move. She's very concerned about him, it's really precious!
My Dad and Kim had a diaper shower for John on Saturday night. They had a blast! All of John's good friends came to it and they all enjoyed themselves! Ellie and I hung out at home with Aunt Casey. Ellie decided to tell me "shhhh" with her finger in front of her mouth on Saturday night in front of Aunt Casey. She had a really fun time playing with her! After the diaper shower we had Michael, Casey, Steve, Amanda and Emma over for a bonfire. It was a lot of fun! Holland even wanted to come out and lay by the fire between John and I. It was really sweet! :)
On Sunday we lounged around after going to my Dad's for pizza for lunch. It was nice to have a lazy evening. Ellie decided to stay up till 10 because Daddy let her take a nap from 4:00 to 6:00 while I napped. She was partying. She even watched Big Brother with us! Oh and I forgot to mention she ate a big onion out of PawPaw's garden so her breath smelt awful!
Today I had to go to the dentist so she went to MawMaw and PawPaw's while I ran to the dentist. We then came back home and played for a while. She then went back to MawMaw and PawPaw's this afternoon to stay the night. She played outside and swam this evening!
We have been staying pretty busy that's for sure!

Raye chillin in Great Grams Lewis' car. We spent Friday morning with Great Grams while we got Daddies windows tinted in his truck. It was his birthday gift from us!
Playing with one of her new balls Grams got her at Target!
Poor Lola, she lets Ellie beat the crap out of her.
She loves her new ball. She also got a princess one but this sparkly one is her favorite!

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