
A Tuesday around the Benson house

John says Ellie has OCD like me because she likes to line her toys up and to have the in a certain order! She can't help she's well organized like Mommy! :)
 Master Brody as Nanny would say!
 Daddy, Raye and Bubby
 Daddy and his Raye! She has Cherry Juice in her sippy cup. We introduced regular juices to her a couple weeks ago and she loves them, we water them down though! Her favorite is the cherry juice and she calls grape juice her purple juice!
 Brod man loves his swing!
 He's getting Daddy's forehead!
 Ellie showing her nose!
 Her eyes!
 Her belly! She knows all of her body parts! She's a smart girl!
 She does great at the dinner table eating like a big girl! She makes a mess at times but what kid doesn't?!
 Raye making sure Daddy changes Bubbies diaper right.
 She thought she needed to show Daddy how to do it. She's such a big helper. She loves her Bubby so much!
She's doing great on learning her ABC's. We've been working really hard on them!

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