
YES, she is going down the stairs. We have been working on this for awhile now. She will get herself on the top step and scoot down on her bottom to the bottom step. We only have 3 steps in our house. We didn't want Ellie to be eliminated from them completely and not know how to go down steps. We by no means let her play on the steps but, we wanted her to know how to go down them. She did great learning. She's such a smart toddler!
Raye got a birthday package in the mail from Auntie Tina today. Thanks for the DVD and new walk behind toy Auntie Tina!
Opening her gift.
Daddy putting her new toy together!
She LOVES it!
It was so cute watching her walk behind this!
Playing with Daddy
She likes her toy Aunt Hali got her for her birthday.

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