
New Slide!

Ellie got an early Christmas gift in the mail today from Great Grams Lewis. She got me my first slide set when I was little too. Ellie was so excited to go down her slide. She really enjoyed it. By this summer she will be playing with this like crazy! Thank you VERY much Great Grams we love the new slide! :)Made it to the top!Such a big girl. Getting ready to go down her new slide!WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! She LOVED it! :)Raye Raye slam dunkin! Whenever she lays her head down she expects you to say awwwwwww, and then she will make her own version of the sound awwwww.... its adorable! I love it when she does it! She does it over when she gets started too.Crazy baby toddler!Just stinkin cute!

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