
Here are some pictures from Brooke and Jaron Hales wedding last night, before church this morning and this afternoon while we did some yard work! Hope everyone had a great weekend!
Our little diva Ellie at Brooke and Jaron's wedding last night!At Brooke and Jaron Hales wedding reception last nightI love this picture!!!!!!Ellie enjoying Brooke and Jaron's reception!El before church this morning!Daddy and his girl before church this morning.She felt bad for Lola because she was chained up. Turning the pages on her big book Great Aunt Karen got her! Thank you so much for the book! She's reading her book to DaddyShe decided to stand up out of her play chair earlier. It was so amazing! She just turned her body and pulled herself up out of the chair! She's doing sooo well! Such a big girl! She's growing up wayyyyyyy to fast! Holland's new dog bed! He's such a good boy. He sleeps on our bedroom floor!

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