
5 weeks!

We had a pretty busy weekend. Friday night we stayed home and did nothing. Saturday we started moving Grams! We are soooo excited to move into her house in June. Ellie really seemed to love it there. The weather was nice and she was able to go outside and look around. Saturday night we went to see Granny and Grandpa Griffey. Then today we went to church, stopped by Great Grandma and Grandpa Bensons house, went to Nanny and Papaw's for lunch then Muncie. So we had a busy day today! Ellie is starting to coo and babble alot. It's sooo exciting seeing her personality start to come out. Some of her facial expressions are just so funny!
Lola loves Ellie! Ellie in her cherry sweatsuit!
We tried to use the bottle...didn't work! 15 mintues of screaming and we gave in!!! Stylin in her outfit Great Aunt Karen got her! Ellie in her Oilily outfit Great Auntie Tina, and her cousins Anna, Matt & Michael got her! Thanks again! Momma & El

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