
30wk Update

Well John and I went to the doctor yesterday. I got all my results from my tests which were all good. My thyroids still doing perfect! We found out at our 3-D ultrasound that Ellie was breech though. They are going to to do another ultrasound at 37 weeks. When we found out she was breech last week it wasn't that big of a deal to me because the tech told us they normally turn. Well that's great but, she still hasn't turned so I am VERY uncomfortable. Nothing they told me to do is working. I just hope she decides to turn soon. It's crazy though because John and I can feel her head. John's mom is having her shower for me this Saturday so I am looking forward to it. We did get her curtains & curtain rod this past weekend at Target it's super cute. We got a pink rod with big pink gems at the end with brown sheer curtains! Hope everyone has a great week! I will post some pictures from my shower on Sunday!