
Well it has been amazing shopping for little Miss. Ellie lately. We know for sure she is going to be spoiled rotten by all her grandparents and her aunt B plus Mommy and Daddy too. They have all already started buying her soooooo much stuff and that's no exaggeration!!! We have a plan sketched out too that Granny Griffey and Nanny Benson will be watching Ellie when Mommy has to go back to work in August. We are so excited we don't have to worry about a babysitter! She is going to have awesome grandparents all around for sure! John and I went to Target last friday and did our registry and got some stuff. Some pics are below the cowgirl clothes and pink coat Daddy picked out to take to the Hospital with us :) We also went to Babys R Us lastnight and picked out our bedding and put that on a registry. When we got to Babys R Us John let me off at the door and when we walked out to get into the truck he informed me he parked in the expectant mother parking spot. It was pretty funny and cute! We got Ellie letters as shown below in white with pink and brown dots. Her room is going to be done in pink and brown dots and flowers. It's going to be sooooo adorable. We are going to start getting the nursery together in December! Hope you enjoy the pictures of some things we have got and others have gotten Ellie. I will try to post more of them so you can see all the fun stuff we get! We officially have our Target and Babys R Us registries done but not Wal-Mart because their scanner gun was messed up last weekend. Hope your all doing well!