
Poor Girl

Raye laying in bed watching Yo Gabba Gabba. She still feels sick. :(


Aunt HADEEE visits and Mommy and Daddy make a trip to IU!

Baby Brody
She's recording me with her Dora camera!
Aw, sweet little Ellie Raye
Aunt HADEEE came and stayed with us over Thanksgiving Break! She is such a big help with Raye and Brody. Ellie loves her HADEEE so much. Every morning Ellie would run out of her room yelling "HADEEE!" This is a picture of Aunt HADEEE and Raye watching Shrek! Ellie loved Shrek!
Coloring a Dora picture!
Raye and Aunt HADEEE coloring Dora pictures together!
John and I went to John's cousin Ashley's Senior Night for IU Volleyball lastnight. She did awesome and we are so glad we got to see her play a game in person! Thanks to GG and Aunt HADEEE for staying home and watching the kids so John and I could go to the game!
Kent,  Ashley,  Monica, Andrea, Elizabeth and Gennie
Ashley and John

Brody Playing With Toys!



Our handsome Lil Brod Man!

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Elmo Balloon!

She's so excited about her balloon!


Ellie's 2nd and Brody's 1st Thanksgiving

We had a busy busy day today. We went to my Mom's house first then my Dad's house. Ellie enjoyed eating cheese and pickles at Granny and Papaw Griffey's house. She also played like crazy with Aunt Hali, Spotter the cat and Uncle Jack's tractors. She even made a picture with Aunt Hali for John and I. It was really cute. Brody was passed around and he enjoyed spending time with everyone today. After we left my Mom's we went to my Dad's house. My Step-Mom's family, Great Grams and John's parents all joined us at my Dad's house. We all had a good time. Ellie had a blast playing with cousin Clover. They both hadn't had a nap today so they were in rare form and being crazy! The kids got to open their Christmas gifts from Aunt Ann and Uncle R.J. because they are staying home in Colorado this Christmas. Ellie got an outfit, p.j.'s and the Dora Backpack set. Brody got his first Basketball goal, a Baby's 1st Christmas bib and some money to spend. John, Ellie, Brody and I had a wonderful day celebrating Thanksgiving with our family! We have so much to be thankful for! God really blessed us this year with our addition of Brody to our family!

This morning all ready for our big day in her Turkey shirt.
 Bubby in his Turkey shirt very unhappy!
 This is the best picture I could get.
 Daddy, Raye, Uncle Jack and Brod
 Uncle Jack and Brody
 Yummy, lunch at Grannies
 Granny and Brody
 Aunt Hali and Brody
 PawPaw made Ham, Deep Fried Turkey and 2 Beer Can Chickens! YUMMY!
 Uncle Loggie and Raye Raye
 Aunt Ann got to see Brody for the first time this evening.
 GG and her EL
 We opened gifts from Aunt Ann and Uncle R.J. after dinner.
 Bubby got his 1st Basketball goal. I don't know if Daddy or Brody was more excited!
 Cousin Clover and her Little People!
 Raye opening her clothes.
 Raye got the Dora Backpack and all the stuff it comes with. She loves the MAP!
 She loves it!
 PawPaw and Raye playing with Backpack!
  Raye and Clover playing in Clovers play hut she got for Christmas. They decided instead of using the tunnel or the door they would enter thru the window! Silly Girls!

Pictures from this past week

Raye loves her pickles. She calls them PawPaw because she eats them all the time at PawPaw's house!
 Ellie loves Bubby's swing.
 It's super Bubby!
 Ellie playing with her spin top.
 Handsome little Man Brody!
 Nakie Bubby!
 Ellie likes to put her stickers in her hair or on her face. I loaded up on Dora and My Little Pony stickers. She loves stickers!


My procedure went good on Friday. I wasn't in to much pain just very sore Friday. I was a little sore Saturday morning until I took my pain medicine. John and I were even able to get some yard work done while Ellie went out with Nanny, Cousin Rachel, Adriannna and Tate! She had fun going to McDonalds and the Shop with them.
 We got our Christmas pictures done Saturday. If you scroll down you can see the pictures. We got the family picture and two collages yesterday. We ordered the family picture and the picture of Brody's big smile and Ellie Raye sitting on the sleigh. Ellie didn't want her picture taken by herself yesterday. She was being a stinker. We did get some good pictures though. We couldn't get a good picture of Brody and Raye though. It was to hard with him having to sit in a special seat and Ellie sitting just right by him. We are very happy with the pictures we did get though.
 John, Ellie and I went to church this morning while Nanny watched Bubby at their house. We are on rotation in the nursery and Ellie's age group class. I was able to get some pictures of her today at church. She really enjoys going to church. This evening we put up the Christmas decorations. Well I should say I put up the decorations. John didn't want to put anything up. He's kind of a Grinch! Ellie loves all the decorations! Brody loves looking at the lights on the trees! He's a very observant little guy. I can't wait for Christmas this year with Raye and Brody!
 It will be a short week for me this week. I have Thursday and Friday off this week for Thanksgiving. Aunt Hali is coming to stay with us Thanksgiving night until Sunday! Ellie loves when Aunt Hali comes to stay with us. Aunt Hali does whatever Ellie wants to do the entire time she is here! She's such a great Aunt!

Ellie loves playing with all her friends at church. All the children in her class are 18 months - 2 years old. She enjoys church so much!
 Eating her snack sitting next to one of the Farley twins Bella!
 Ellie automatically knows how to hold her hands when you tell her its time to pray. It's so adorable! She also knows how to say "BIBLE." We are working on Jesus now.
 We put out our Christmas decorations today. Ellie loves my Hallmark Horse Carousel from 1989. She kept saying HORSEY and smiling.
 Giving Mommy's Gingerbread Lady kisses! She loves all of our decorations especially the lights outside! It's going to be such a fun Christmas with her this year. We are really excited!


Christmas 2010 Pictures!

Our Christmas Family Picture
Here's a collage we got. These are all the pictures that were our favorite. We ordered some of each photo.
 Here's another collage we got. These pictures turned out pretty good of the kids individually too. The others up above are our favorites though. We couldn't get Ellie and Brody positioned well for a good photo of the two of them together. Maybe for Easter we will be able to get a good picture of them together!




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Note: To play video messages sent to email, QuickTime® 6.5 or higher is required.

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