
such a big girl! she loves play beauty shop with mawmaw!
<3 SaRaH

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2nd hair trim!
<3 SaRaH

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hair trim!
<3 SaRaH

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She is becoming such a big girl! We did her hair this morning after her bath. She loves having her hair done! She is my daughter! :)
I really like this picture of her! If you can tell she got another tooth this week. It's on the left side.She is such a trooper when it comes to teething!
Playing with her teeth.
Such a pretty Raye Raye!
She really loves playing with my cellphone.
Lounging in her chair! It was so funny when she started to do this lastnight!

look at me
<3 SaRaH

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yum yum toast and yoplait yogurt for breakfast! big girl!
<3 SaRaH

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Baby B 2 Update

Well I know i've left you all hanging on what we found out at our doctors appointment Monday. It was kind of a bitter sweet visit. The doctor noticed my thyroid was very enlarged. She also noticed I may be further along than we think. She ordered an ultrasound of my thyroid to be done yesterday and an ultrasound of the baby to be done this coming Wednesday. I got my results from my thyroid ultrasound today. Not very good news. I have several large cysts and legolas in my thyroid. They sent my results to my thyroid specialist Dr. Perry in Noblesville. My OB's stated that the main concern is pre clampsia, low birth weight of baby and prematurity. They will treat me and work with Dr. Perry to the best of their ability. If either doctor feels that I need to see a high risk OB I will be refered to a doctor next to Dr. Perry at St.Vincent. No matter what OB I am with Dr. Perry will be by my side doctor! All of the doctors are going to be working together to do what is best for the baby. All the possibilities of what could go wrong are scary. John and I know that this is in Gods hands. The doctors have all said we know what we are dealing with and everything will be handled to the best of their ability. I could go through this whole pregnancy and everything be fine or something could happen. We are thinking positive though and we are just thankful God has blessed us with this baby. Both doctors can't believe I was able to get pregnant with my situation. God is great! I know he will take care and guide us through this. I am so thankful for my amazing doctors at Henry County OB's and my thryoid specialist Dr. Perry. They really handled this whole situation amazing! I feel like I am in great hands. Dr. Perry did tell me that they will either treat my thyroid with different medicaitons or remove it. If we need to remove it we will, but we would like to wait until after the baby is deliverd. Either was it's treated the affects are still their. Please keep us in your prayers. I will keep you all posted as we find anything out. I will also get our ultrasound pictures posted next Wednesday evening!
She loves her sippy cup her cousin Clover got her for Valentines Day. She is such a big girl drinking out of the straw in her sippy cup!


daddys note to ellie
<3 SaRaH

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daddy left raye a note. how sweet! he's a good daddy!
<3 SaRaH

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Relaxing Sunday

                                                         Ellie Raye sitting in Daddies chair.
She's becoming a big girl! She looks so cute in this picture!
She's saying "HI" in this picture!


awww ellie says to cousin clover
<3 SaRaH

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She loves to crawl behind the curtains.
She has gotten an interest in pulling out my scarfs from the basket and putting them on. It's funny!
Oh, she found a new scarf, hehe!
Playing with her Elmo with Daddy!

look at me with my big girl sippy. i think i like it :)
<3 SaRaH

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look at me i love my new book from cousin clover!
<3 SaRaH

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Where's Raye Raye?

OHHHHH their she is!

I just love her big beautiful brown eyes! :)

Great Grams Lewis got her a new froggy towel! She loves it, thanks Great Grams Lewis!


silly girl
<3 SaRaH

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Happy 1st Valentines Day Ellie Raye!

 Ellie Raye Raye's 11 Month Picture! She will be 11 months old tomorrow. I get to spend the day home with her, I have it off for Presidents Day! YAY!
Here are some pictures from the weekend! We want to thank everyone for the cards and Valentines gifts! We really appreciate your generosity! Ellie loved all her cards and gifts! :)

<3 SaRaH

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babe raye raye
<3 SaRaH

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Another Snow Day!

Hmmmm what's this?!?!?Okay, I have no idea why she was sucking on her baby dolls pacifier. She only had a binkie/pacifier for about a month. So it's been about 10 months since she's had one. Kind of silly! She enjoyed playing with it for a few minutes. AWWWWW little Raye Raye sleeping in Momma and Daddy's bed. She likes to take naps with Momma in our bed! She ended up sleeping for an hour and a half. That's pretty good considering she wouldn't nap yesterday. Still a sleepy baby! She kind of had a bad hair day today!

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