
FWD:helping pawpaw cook

helping pawpaw cook

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sitting in her chair watching yo gabba gabba!
<3 SaRaH

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Our Crazy Raye Raye

She loves her Sponge Bob PawPaw Lewis won her at the Mooreland fair last summer. She is definitely a Sponge Bob fan. Her and PawPaw watch it everyday.Playing with Holland.Aw, giving Holland kisses. She's such a loving baby! She was actually harassing Lola in this picture! Raye and Daddy wrestle every night. It's really cute! She loves to wrestle with him. He does wrestling moves to her on the couch. She just laughs and lets him do it! Utttt Oooh! I got caught! She was actually standing in her learning chair....oh my!

drinking chicken broth from mommas soup....yummo!
<3 SaRaH

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splish splash baby raye!
<3 SaRaH

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Raye loves her PASTA!

Momma made pasta for dinner which is Ellie Raye's favorite food! She is definitely has some Italian in her! This is what she looked like after eating it for awhile!
She's cut her top 4 front teeth! 2 more are coming in too! She's doing great! She was saying Awwwww!
Little Miss. Ellie Raye! Yes, she has on skinny jeans! :) All of her balls rolled under the entertainment center and she was trying to get them. It was so funny and cute!
Crazy Raye Raye
She loves sitting in her chair and kicking and dangling her feet. It's pretty adorable! Styling in her dress Auntie Tina got her this morning for church. Her hair wasn't done yet in these pictures, it looks kinda crazy! What a little poser. I love my Raye Raye

eating some fresh pineapple
<3 SaRaH

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big girl!
<3 SaRaH

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riding my car!
<3 SaRaH

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watching sponge bob! pawpaw got her hooked!
<3 SaRaH

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Baby Benson 2

Well after going back and forth with a million names the past week. John and I made a compomise, he got to pick out the boy name and I got to pick out the girl name!
Boy Name= Aiden Joesph Alan
Joesph is John's Dad's middle name & Alan is my Dad's middle name!
Girl Name= Amelia Marie Rosalina
Marie is many family members middle name Great Auntie Tina, Great Aunt Tammy, Aunt Tina Griffey and probably many others i'm missing! Rosalina was John's Great Grandma from Italies name.


Crazy Raye playing this evening!
Getting ready to try a pea. She's not so sure she if she likes peas.This picture cracks me up! She loves sticking her tongue out and licking her bottom lip.CUTIE!!!

<3 SaRaH

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Well if you haven't heard yet John and I are expecting our second baby sometime in September! We are VERY excited! Ellie Raye will be such a great big sister! She loves being around other kids! We go to the doctor on Feb.22nd. I'm estamating i'm due around the 2nd or 3rd week of September.


eating my 1st chicken nugget happy meal at mcdonalds! big girl raye raye! :)
<3 SaRaH

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She loves playing with her kitchen!She has started a new thing with licking her bottom lip. We have to have chap stick on hand now.Walking up and down the couch! She LOVES to play with her ball popper. She dances and gets so excited when the balls start shooting high in the air. It's pretty adorable!She really wanted to get that ball out of there!


10 Month/ Valentine Pictures

It's so hard to believe our beautiful baby girl will be 10 months old on Friday!
Wow, how time flies! Here are her pictures we had taken yesterday in her Valentine clothes. Our little sweetheart!
she loves her ball popper!
<3 SaRaH

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ellie and clover sitting in the tiny butt chair! ellies holding her hand!
<3 SaRaH

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Ellie's 1st Slumber Party

We had our first slumber party tonight! Cousin Clover came over this evening and is staying all night! Ellie loves seeing Clover. She really wants to touch her, so we have to keep a close eye on her! She did very good after the newness of Clover being at our house wore off. She did her own thing and would just check to make sure Clover was still here! :) We've had a great time so far!
Clover and Ellie with such serious faces! Clover and Ellie.....Ellie decided she needed to stick her tongue out! Miss. CloverThe next few pictures are from last night. We stayed home played the wii and had Pizza King for dinner! yummo!Crazy girl! Daddy and his crazy Raye Raye!

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